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Suits and TOS was...Re: The GZG Digest V2 #1108

From: "Robert Minadeo" <raminad@e...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 17:19:48 -0400
Subject: Suits and TOS was...Re: The GZG Digest V2 #1108

> That would imply that the Suits improved TOS.
> Since by definition involvement of suits is bad for SF [CF Series 4-5
> of B5, Crusade etc] It can't be true :) Can it?
> Adam

That's why this bit of pointless trivia stayed with me. Suits are never
supposed to "improve" anything, at least not in any way a refined viewer
like myself would approve of. But there you have it. Exception that
the rule? ;)

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