Re: Geohex discontinueing GZG
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 21:49:39 +0100
Subject: Re: Geohex discontinueing GZG
>Has anyone other than myself notice that KR carries some things
>that aren't at GZG? One thing in particular is the Triton IV
>GEV tank from the Future Wars line.
That's just one of a large number of the old Future Wars line that we've
never got back into production since we took the lines over from CMD
several years back; GeoHex has been making them from way back when there
were two licences, one with us and one with CMD.
We have plans to finally get the rest of the line back into production,
hopefully this summer, and the split from GeoHex has just accelerated
need for that to happen, so watch the catalogue site!
Jon (GZG)
>Roger Books