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Re: [OT] Goodbye to John was Re: Mr. Szabo's utter inability to think clearly or hold any moral standards

From: Jim Callahan <res03m1u@g...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 12:27:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Goodbye to John was Re: Mr. Szabo's utter inability to think clearly or hold any moral standards

can' :)

1) John's a bright guy whose opinions I value as much as anyone else's 
even with his occasional flamingly idiotic rants regarding crap I care 
nothing about.
2) Don't "boot" anybody because of their opinion, however idiotic or 
distasteful. Free speech is ugly, but fascism is worse.
3) I have a policy that when my unread messages reaches 300, "edit -> 
select all; edit -> delete all messages" (actually it's ctrl-a; del but 
you know what I mean)
4) Jeremy, don't go, I appreciate the frustration, but I have always 
looked forward to the lates germy update and esp. the paper buildings. I

will never remember to look if you don't keep poking me with that sharp 
5) Irrelevance and extremism are brother and sister to brilliance and 
eccentricism (whatever the hell that means!)
6) there is no number 6
7) lighten up, all-y'all.  I don't even know 99.95% of you, and with a 
few specific exceptions, I really don't care what you think of me.
8) (will this guy never shut up? god, 8 bullet points and there's no 
sign of him stopping) Even the flamingly idiotic rants regarding crap I 
care nothing about from this list are intelligent and interesting.


p.s. flame me off-list or on-list if you want, I'd love to get a bunch 
of flames to put up on tablegamer under the "flamingly idiotic rants 
regarding crap I care nothing about" section. Don't expect a response, 
just your name in lights.

rm -rf /* > /dev/null &

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