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SG-1 and Andromeda

From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 18:27:52 -0400
Subject: SG-1 and Andromeda

1) Thanks Derek. Problem is that after a conversation with Nic, unless
one specifically requested 25mm figs, most of the 100 club stuff is
28mm. Kind of dwarf my 25mm mercs or NAC.... (You could use the US SF
figures Eureka is producing instead but that defeats part of the goal).
I should order a couple just to see how they'll work. 

The real trick would be finding some 25mm figures for modern with FN-90s
or MP-5SDs and wearing PASGT and body armour/LBE.... 

Thanks for the suggestions for Ja'far. I'll have to see about finding
something that will work in 25mm. 

2) Andromeda is a fair size. She carries slipfighters, missiles, etc. so
I think one could argue for a pile of MTMs, SMs, PDS, and fighters. That
isn't a small ship. Probably Heavy Cruiser size minimum. As to how to
represent her manouverablility, I'd run Andromeda as a cinematic ship
while running the others as vector. That would give a bit more "out
turning" capability. 

3) Comet's Battlestar is all right, but too small IMO (can't justify
more than light carrier status in my books). If it was 50-100% bigger,
that would have been about right relative to the other GZG ships. Or at
least that was my thinking, and the basestars would be larger. If I was
making these for FT, I'd be casting them in resin so they weren't too

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