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RE: Nukes

From: Randall L Joiner <rljoiner@m...>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 16:23:13 -0400
Subject: RE: Nukes

After talking with a "friend" who worked on some military projects, I
a very healthy fear of N and C, and a paranoia over B...

B...  No limiting factors like in N or C...  No certain control 
factors...  No containment, delayed effects for maximum dispersal...
Just ask the Chinese about the occasional outbreaks of bubonic plague,
small pox they _still_ suffer from...  And that from testing in WW2.

Sometimes a frontal lobe lobotomy doesn't sound so bad.

At 09:31 AM 4/19/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> > Gee... Thanks...
> >
> > I've been trained in NBC Warfare and the stuff I know gives me the
> > willies in the middle of the night.
> >
>	  Sing it brother...there's some *real* bad stuff out there....

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