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Re: Slow planes was: Battle blimps

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 15:43:38 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: Slow planes was: Battle blimps schrieb:
> "a biplane of such low performance that it was difficult 
> for both monoplane fighters to fly slow enough to hold in 
> their sights for more than a fleeting moment and for 
> anti-aircraft guns to track the type with sights calibrated 
> for use against faster warplanes"

I'm still skeptical. 

I could see that it might be a problem with the larger AA guns that
used mechanical computers to calculate the aiming point.

Small-calibre guns had fairly simple "spider-web" sights. These could
be aimed straight at a slow-flying plane and the aim could be corrected
by watching the tracers.

Do you consider your book a well-researched technical work, or more of
the popular kind ? Does it quote sources ? Not everything you see in
print is neccesarily accurate :-(


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