Re: [DS,FT] NSF (Not my Bank Account)
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 13:10:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [DS,FT] NSF (Not my Bank Account)
--- Brian Burger <> wrote:
> And of course it's the perfect excuse for a
> come-as-you-are event, with
> all sorts of odd vehicles straggling along. The only
> problem is that it's
> harder for armoured vehicles to 'live off the land'
> like the Greeks did
> across Asia Minor. Instead of raiding hill tribes
> for food, you'd try to
> raid firebases and maintenance dumps for ammo, parts
> & fuel!
Of course, even though nanites are my Numero Uno pet
peeve as far as playable SF wargaming goes, you could
say that some of those big cargo trucks are actually
Unreplacable Nanite Vat Trucks, and that in the
controlled environment of the Nanite Vats, you can
turn spare parts for the Mk VIII (or even scrap metal)
into spare parts for the T-200 Grav Tank, as long as
the metal you start with is reasonably pure.
Give you a reason to be fanatic about protecting your
baggage train.
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