From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 13:03:38 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: GEV RVs
--- Roger Books <> wrote:
> So am I the only one doing a "faster reaction"
> force?
I've pretty much stopped using my grav forces--too
easy to outmaneuver tracked units to be fun. You
wouldn't think so from the relatively small difference
in movement speeds, but it has turned out to be
surpisingly decisive on a regular basis.
> I am working on a mixed battalion, 1/2 Armour, 1/2
> infantry, all GEV based. As part of their support
> there is a platoon of VTOL based PA whose job is to
> stabalize the situation until the main force can get
> there.
Hrm. . . platoon is all well and good if it's
organized properly. Pretty easy to overrun if the
enemy is willing to burn the troops to do it, though.
And the transport VTOLs are easy to kill. I'd suggest
doing it as a red/white/blue team. (7th Cav style).
A 4-6 ship scout element, a 4-6 ship attack element,
and an airmobile platoon.
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