Re: [DS,FT] NSF (Not my Bank Account)
From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 14:13:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [DS,FT] NSF (Not my Bank Account)
Brian Bilderback wrote:
> I'm referring to Non-Standard Forces - those ships and vehicles that
> acquired singly and/or kit bashed, the stuff that is either to
> with my normal units (My Battletech and micromachines vehicles are
> bigger than my C-in-c, GHQ, and smaller GZG stuff), or too individual
to fit
> into a TO&E, but looks too nifty to just not use. How do most people
> with these figs? I was thinking of using the "Local-militia-acquired
> that isn't standardized but gets thrown into the battle because it's
> tack. Any other suggestions?
Well, my size classes are a bit different as compared to some
folks' size classes here on the list. I do try to get a collection
(3-4 min) of a given vehicle whenever possible (did that before
discovering DSII :-) so I could have groups of them to work with.
Two of my B'tech tanks (the Von Luckner and the Rommel/Patton - which
is which I've long forgotten so I fake it ;-) I consider to be in
the Size Class 5 range. By comparison, the Future Wars "Andromeda"
tank is about the same size, the "Jupiter II" tanks I consider Size
Class 4, most of my Brigade stuff and main battle tank-sized Future
Wars vehicles Size Class 3, tanks from GHQ WWII are more like Size
Class 2 (from Shermans and Panzers down to M113s*), and things smaller
still are Size Class 1.
* - some (even I ;-) could argue that M113s are a different size class
than Shermans and Panzers, but I like to keep the size class ranges
somewhat flexible so I can accomodate the largest to smallest stuff
all at the same time. But heck, it's all relative, anyway. :-)
As for misc vehicles, you say they are "attachments" from the Division
level thrown into your Company/Battalion/Platoon/what-ave-you. That
would be a plausible option, I'd think.