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Re: GZG range expansions?

From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:20:47 +0000
Subject: Re: GZG range expansions?

>At first, it will
>only be the "major" ranges (the most popular) which get the main
>expansions, but we may get round to others eventually.

So I guess that means I may be waiting a whil for some more New Isreali 
Figures :-(

Will the heavier support weapons (auto grenade lauchers, mortars,
machine guns etc) be available with generic/nation specific crews? or
on their own? For example the ESU have some cool support weapons, but I 
don't want the crew figures (unless you did some NI crew figures).

Would anyone else be interested if GZG did a range of crew figures for
various nations and a general pool of crew figures? Just a thought.



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