RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:35:29 -0400
Subject: RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
At 1:08 AM +0200 4/11/02, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
>The reason the top-attack ATGMs are easier for ADS to stop than
>side-attack missiles are, is that they by definition have to fly
>above their target and therefore can't use the target as a mask
>against the ADS. Dive-attack missiles should probably be even more
>vulnerable to this than OTA-style ones like BILL, but the main
>difference is between side-attack missiles on one hand and all types
>of top-attack missiles on the other - the top-attack ones have to
>give the ADS a free line of sight when it pops up for the attack,
>while the side-hitting ones don't.
Doesn't the masking depend on the target being exactly between the
ADS and the firing platform? Also, does 1.05 Meters really count that
>You do have one point, though appearently not the one you intended:
>OTA-style missiles like BILL can't easily switch between side- and
>top-attack modes due to the way their warhead is mounted.
>Dive-attack missiles like Javelin and Hellfire *can* switch between
>side- and top-attack modes, since their warhead is facing straight
??! I thought BILL 2 has three user selected modes for side attack
for soft targets, top attack for armored targets (magnetic sensors),
and top attack with optical sensors controlling detonation. At least
that's what the sales literature on the web sites says...
Ryan Gill
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