RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:19:16 -0400
Subject: RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 09:35
Subject: Re: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
A few remarks (though Oerjan can probably make better comments):
Bell, Brian K (Contractor) schrieb:
> I would like to see the following in the DS2 design
> system:
> 1) Tactical Points system.
> TAC = Movement Points * Protection Points * Offense
> Points + Carring Capacity
Do you indeed mean :
(Multiplying the first three and THEN adding the capacity)
MP*PP* ( OP + CC )
(Adding Offense and capacity FIRST and then multiplying)
Not sure which makes more sense, probably the second one, as the
capacity's value will increase with mobility and survival.
[Bri] At this point CC is only used for ammo, passengers, & cargo.
> Protection Points are a combination of Armor Points *
> the average of Signature and (ECM + PDS)[round up].
> Armor points are equal to points from all sides. Armor
> rating and cost are 1:4, 2:6, 3:8, 4:10, 5:12. The points are totaled
for all
> 6 sides of the vehicle (Front, Left, Back, Right, Top, Bottom), then
> divided by 6 (round up). Reactive and ablative armor adds 2 to the
> value per side it is on.
For tactical effectiveness points, the front armour should be weighted
more heavily, as usually it's the front that gets the enemy's
Something like
60% * Front + 40% * (Average of other 5 faces)
[Bri] Again, we are getting into assumptions. Most GMS could be assumed
be targeting top armor. I have lost a lot of armor to minefields and
artillery. But I see your point. It could be 'Add points for Front armor
* 5
+ cumulation of all other location then divide by 6 (round up).
> Range Band: Determine the range band by subtracting
> Medium Range from Long Range. This should also match Medium Range -
> Range. For 1 range band weapons (i.e. GMS) Divide the maximum range
by 3 to
> get the range band.
> Range band points are: (upto) 4":4, 6":6, 8":8, 10":10,
> 12":12. Subtract the Range Band from the Close range;
> if the result is more than 1/2 the range band length, add 2 to the
Range Band
> Points; if more than zero but less than 1/2, add 1 to the Range Band
I must say, I don't understand the procedure, and hence, the reasons
for it.
[Bri] DS2 weapons have range bands of 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12".
matters is that some weapons have a "bonus distance" (my term) added to
close range. Example: HKP/3 has 12" range bands (12" between close,
and long ranges), but has 6" added to the close range band (close is
18"). What I was saying was that if the "bonus distance" is 1/2 the
band (or greater), then add 1 point to the range band points to adjust
Note that a weapon that has twice the range of another can reach
four(!) times the area, and thus hit 4 times as many targets, hence its
value should be 4 times the base value. This has to be modified by
line-of-sight and rate-of-fire considerations, but doubling the range
should still more than double the value.
[Bri] 4x the area is true, 4x targets is not true; still can only target
And this is true of movement also (as movement extends range). It may
tweeked, but it is already a multiplier. If it is set too high, you will
the balance toward the shorter range weapons. I also was trying to
the value of range with the value of weapon strength, without having to
numbers large enough that the final costs would be in the 100s of
in points.
> 2) Tuffleyverse-specific capacity limitations.
I would consider these as standard for any "realistic" world.
Optionally to be dropped with agreement of both players.
[Bri] Of course. As in any GZG game, rule #1 -- Play the game, not the
> I would suggest a higher limit than is currently
> used and do away with the maximum number of weapons
> rules.
Yes. Certainly to the latter point.
Karl Heinz
The submission is meant as an idea, not a finished product. More
are welcome. Did I miss something blindingly obvious?