Re: Vehicle classes
From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 17:52:49 -0400
Subject: Re: Vehicle classes
At 4:13 PM +0100 4/8/02, Tony Francis wrote:
>Based on capability, a three man Ferret with an MG is still only a
>one vehicle. Three passengers only require three capacity points and
>(strictly speaking) crew don't require any space at all - they're built
>into the requirements for the weapon. DS2 isn't granular enough to
>differentiate between a 2-man scout car with MG (Dingo) and a three man
>one with an MG (Ferret). I'd still make both class-1 vehicles.
Thing is, the ferret isn't much smaller than the Fox and that runs
around with quite a bit more than your 4 person car as far as
armament. The basis for the ferret being larger is both it's vertical
height and the increased weight and capacity. The stowage bins all
around the sides adds quite a bit to the capacity.
The Fox works out with a turreted RFAC 2 and crew plus 1-2 MGs.
> > Sherman variants I'd put in the class 3 or 4 size, those suckers
>> tall. Greyhound class 2-3. Hard to say. I'd have to walk around the
>> real thing a bit more. Saladin's are definitely class 3.
>> Abrams goes to class 4. M88, I'd say class 4 as well.
>> When deciding size for a vehicle, I try to look at it's volume for
>>the basis.
>I don't think I'd ever rate a Sherman and M-1 as the same size class !!
3-4. The Shermans are pretty tall compared to the Abrams. They are on
the middle side of class 3. I was making a wag here.... So granted,
sherman 3, abrams, 4. Given how much milage and modifications the
Israeli's have gotten out of and done to their shermans, I'd say they
could creep into the class 4 range.
Ryan Gill
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