Re: DS3 points system
From: Dances With Rocks <kochte@s...>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:59:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: DS3 points system
On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Thomas Barclay wrote:
> I never considered the point of the discussion
> whether it was possible to make an unbreakable
> point system (you and I both know something
> as simple as how you lay out the map can have
> everything to do with how the game goes).
I thought the *original* bit of the discussion was
Beth taking a mini survey to ask people what they
wanted to see changed in the point system. :-)
It certainly spiraled from there.
> And as to the point about miniature sizes.... if
> you don't have agreement on that with the
> other player before the game starts (and some
> intel on the probable vehicle rough design),
> then you are playing some sort of first contact
> (or poor intel) scenario and can expect
> surpirses. And if you and the other player can't
> sort tell each other, when a unit appears "This is
> a bit big, but it actually has a D4 signature die
> due to stealth", then problems will happen
> regardless of the details of the point or
> capacity system.
I like what Jon T said about this, a long time ago (ummm,
around 1993 I believe). To quote him (DSII, page 16) :
"We are deliberately NOT going to lay down dimensions and
formulae [as to what makes up a given size class]...manufacturers'
model ranges...differ so widely that do to so would be pointless.
...if your opponent puts out a half-inch long scout car...and
tries to tell you it is a Class 5 (VERY LARGE) tank, you should
gently point out the error of his ways."
Hmmm. Okay, so maybe it's not applicable to the discussion here.
But something to bear in mind overall, no? :-)