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Re: DESK points and game balancing

From: Michael Llaneza <maserati@e...>
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 13:17:06 -0700
Subject: Re: DESK points and game balancing

Anyone designing a game system has to take into account beth's 
situation. The game is her main reference for armored warfare concepts. 
This goes double for anyone coming from a PW background. So a design 
system has to (should) take into account both what standard doctrine is,

but allow for enough variation to allow for some of the dead-end design 

Glenn M Wilson wrote:

>On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 18:47:46 +1000 writes:
>>OK I'll put my hand up and look the idiot. I must be the only dim wit 
>>has had to resort to using a construction system so they know what is
>>sensible to have on a tank. Obviously for all you old hands who know
>>everything about tanks a construction system is useless, but for the
>>completely ignorant in the audience they can be very helpful ;)
>>Though I still get the odd "what were you thinking you can't have that

>>that on a tank it just doesn't make sense and isn't done" lecture ;)
>Beth, it's called innovation and if it works, per Murphy, then it's not
>stupid.  And if it doesn't then don't build any more of them... <grin>
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