Re: [DS] No Capacity was: Points system (fresh)
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 16:37:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DS] No Capacity was: Points system (fresh)
--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> At 12:27 AM +0100 4/6/02, Adam Benedict Canning
> wrote:
> >Of course Large vehicles may take up multiple hexes
> and thus be easier
> >to draw LOS on.
> Thats another thing. If someone has a massively
> sized tank that is in
> reality a tiny model, I start to get a bit annoyed
> at it's difference
> in board signature.
Other questions on the size vs. signature debate:
Bridges and their MLC. Let's say I've got a crappy
little wooden bridge, and a highway bridge on the same
table. Let's say that the wooden bridge is rated to
handle a 3 ton load, and the highway bridge is MLC
100. Let's say that I'm defending this river. I've
got basically 4 threats.
1)Air Assault.
2)Assault Boats.
3)Wooden Bridge.
4)Highway Bridge.
Now, with conventional forces, I know that the first
three methods can only use light forces. Any tanks
have to roll over the highway bridge. So the problem
then becomes, can the defender project enough force
over the river to secure the crossing to push his
tanks over?
If your Uberbicycles with the firepower of an MBT are
in the equation, then all of a sudden I have to worry
about a blackhawk full of MBTs landing all over the
place, or driving across this rickety bridge, or
troops putting their Uberbikes on assault boats. Bad
news, and if I don't know that he's got that
capability, then ALL the points balance in the world
won't save me, especially since with a scenario like
that he's going to outpoint me considerably (unless he
is stupid).
Oh, and that does bring up the issue of air assault.
How do you balance the fact that a small, light
vehicle is MUCH easier to stuff onto a
helicopter/VTOL/Shuttle and land in the wrong place?
Are you going to arbitrarily limit VTOL capacity by
points? And how does that interact with a vehicle
that's really dirt cheap but big?
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