Re: [SG] Hand-held grenade launcher ?
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 16:26:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Hand-held grenade launcher ?
--- "K.H.Ranitzsch" <> wrote:
> Her weapon is a small grenade launcher similar to
> those you might see slung
> under a rifle, but as a stand-alone weapon with a
> shoulder-stock.
Well, are you talking a large-bore one like the US
M-79 or the H&K one?
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going with Los
on this.
FP d6, Imp d10*. The autoGLs listed in the SGII are
smaller caliber ones, like the planned 20mm one (I
forget designation) that's supposed to be the LMG
version of the OICW generation.
This deserves the extra support dice because it's got
more weight of shell going downrange, and it's a
primary weapon for the user, not an additional
secondary capability. The larger shell also justifies
the higher Impact.
I'd also say that it should count for the +2 die
shifts up in close combat to represent the flechette
or buckshot rounds.
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