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Re: DS3 points systems and features

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 18:40:21 -0500
Subject: Re: DS3 points systems and features

At 12:45 PM -0800 4/5/02, John Atkinson wrote:

>Hrm. . . So what you're saying is that any pretence at
>point balance is inherently flawed and depends on
>scenario design and usage?


a 3000 pt force with zero ADS vs a 500 pt force of ground and 2500 
VTOLS and Aerospace will get wiped from the table.

Some points costs are exceedingly relative.

ECM doesn't do you a damn bit of good if your opponent doesn't use 
GMS's. ADS doesn't do much good either. Especially if there isn't any 
aircraft ont he table either.

The scenario is everything. Again, the best games I've either played 
or refed were those that points didn't even enter into my 
calculations. No battles in real life have calculations.

Ryan Gill
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