DS3 points
From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 11:55:37 -0500
Subject: DS3 points
KHR said:
But my argument is that, to calculate a balanced points cost that
target signature, you have to take into account the vehicles' size and
[Tomb] Elaborate. Why?
The more equipment, the more expensive going down to a given
signature should be.
[Tomb] Why? This is expensive in dollars (no contention). But in a point
system that has _NO_RELATION_ to money and only describes effect
_IN_GAME_ then any two vehicles displaying the same characteristic X
should have been costed (insofar as characteristic X is concerned)
identically. In the game, signature is how hard you are to hit with
direct fire. Two vehicles identically difficult to hit with direct fire
should have been costed using the same costing for that aspect of their
design. If they were in all other aspects equal (carrying capacity,
weapon fit, fire cons, ECM, etc), then it DOES NOT MATTER if one is a
skateboard and the other is a stealth tank. ONLY if other vehicle
systems differ THAT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE GAME should costing vary.
[Tomb] I'd be happy if you can supply an argument based on IN GAME
EFFECT that argues why it is necessary to account for vehicle size and
equipment since only the SIGNATURE dice is considered in the game.