Re: DS3 points systems and features
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 16:33:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: DS3 points systems and features
--- Alexander Williams <> wrote:
> Limits are NOT the domain of the descriptive
> construction system.
> They're an attribute of a /setting/. If you're
> seeing uber-Jeeps on
> the table, find out why. Maybe that setting has
> micro-energy
> shielding and spacerime disruption bombards ... who
> can say? You've
So tell me, in a pick-up game how do yo pick the tech
level? If I'm designing for the GZG default setting,
and you're designing for a setting with jeeps mounted
with HKP/5s, what's the point?
> Its like legislating morality, that never works.
The hell it doesn't. The DSII construction system is
a damn sight more flexible than any other one I've
seen. But it does make certain assumptions, and one
of them is that you're not trying to play a force with
so much "character" that they are driving Mk VIII
tanks and armed with Springfield '03 rifles while
going up against my Grav tanks.
> be racking up quite the bill. The Roman Century
> shouldn't be up
> against more than a squad of Terminators, by the
> same notion.
However, as the Terminators are effectively impossible
to kill with javelins and short swords, is it
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