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RE: [DS] Points system (fresh)

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 22:53:23 +0200
Subject: RE: [DS] Points system (fresh)

Re: Adrian Johnson:

Excellent post.

FTR, when I talk about "points costs" without any extra qualifiers I 
invariably mean single-battle points costs (your option "a"). Ryan Gill 
seems to be pretty much fixated with real-world production/operation
(your option "b") instead :-/

Re: Brian Bell:

>Externally mounted weapons should be more easily
>damaged (treat 0 chits as weapons system down?). Externally loaded
>should have to spend a turn immobile to reload the weapon system

One DS2 turn is 15 freakin' minutes long. Reloading an
TOW or BILL2 launcher takes a minute or so, and that's if you're slow.
should you be forced to stay stationary during the remaining 13-14

>(treat 0 and system down chits as booms -- loader is killed, so vehicle
>killed). These should take less capacity and have lower cost.

Just about every design for externally-mounted guns I've seen allow 
under-armour reloading of the ready magazine, which makes the "extra 
vulnerability while reloading" rule look very strange IMO <shrug>

Agree on the multiple weapons point.

Ryan Gill wrote:

>>- Allow multiple weapons to fire in the same activation, but require
>>additional capacity for additional FCS. I would suggest that
additional FCS
>>be bought at a premimum (higher than noraml cost).
>MGs don't need much of a FC do they?

No. OTOH they do require one *gunner* or so each, and each gunner takes
space - which means that the armoured volume needs to be bigger, which 
increases the size, weight and cost of the vehicle. FCSs don't take up 
nearly as much space as crew members do - and they don't have nearly as 
stringent requirements on the *shape* of the space they take up, either



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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