Re: [DSII] Heresy
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 12:17:28 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DSII] Heresy
--- John Crimmins <> wrote:
> I think that many people aren't really concerned
> with historical effectiveness, and some it is of
> questionable relevance in any case. Who needs extra
> gunners if you have a dedicated AI slaved to each
> weapon system? And didn't David Drake make a good
> case for open-topped vehicles with his Combat
> Cars?
No, David Drake was writing about Vietnam, therefor he
had to include ACAV M-113s which were open-topped,
therefor he wrote in a PSB that made them effective.
If artillery could not be shot out of the sky by every
single machine gun in the Regiment, they would make
less sense.
> And, maybe I'm alone in this, but when it comes to
> gaming I find that enjoy a glorious defeat more than
> an easy victory. Usually learn a lot more that
> way, too.
Hey, I am not going to to TRY to loose. I'd going to
design to win.
> Hey, did anyone ever attempt to assign a point value
> to the Hammer Slammer's "Powerguns" that Mr. Tuffley
> posted about so long ago?
Umm, I don't think so. There's no way to point out
weapons that have the range of an HEL, killing power
of a DFFG, oh and can substitute for PDS and ADS
systems as well.
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