Re: Rules of Engagement examples (DSII/SGII)
From: "Alan E Brain"<aebrain@w...>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 09:26:03 +1000
Subject: Re: Rules of Engagement examples (DSII/SGII)
>>There was a TV show on here about the training of UK Corporals to be
>>One lesson was on ROE.
>The show Alan is referring to is "Battle Stripes" shown here on one of
>local commercial networks, but he is confusing it with another series
>"Future War" shown here on the National Broadcaster (ABC),
Good lord, you're right. For once unreliable memory isn't at fault: We
had parts of both shows on Videotape, and I thought one was a part of
the other.
It's only when I wound the tape forward that I saw they were different