RE: [DS] Points system
From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 17:13:31 -0500
Subject: RE: [DS] Points system
At 2:00 PM -0800 4/3/02, Brian Bilderback wrote:
>But if the final means of guaging is correct, then the points are
>all you need.....
Good luck. Points systems are hard.
>>If I take a given vehicle that is size 2, and armor 1 and then add
>>more armor to it without changing anything else, it ought to go
>True, but you say yourself, WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING ELSE. If
>you're willing to then pay what it takes (Money IRL sure, but more
>importantly points in the game) to give it a more powerful engine,
>you can still get speed.
But your weight should change as well. I think it s a question of
which cause comes first. I personally think the cost factor should be
the last end result.
>Its the whole basic equation with armored fighting vehicles.
>>Firepower vs speed vs protection.
>And if Armor, firepower, and speed are all assigned values in the
>points equation that accurately reflect their place in the design,
>you can recreate that same dilemma in a point system without ever
>bringing "capacity" into the fray.
And Weight. Weight needs to factor in as well as that bears in on
special situations like cargo and drop ships when trying to tie it
all in with FT. Course this is entirely ommitted from the system.
>The SAME engine. Give it a bigger engine, it speeds up again, no?
>My point was, whether you say that the armor gets heavier and thus
>the engine needed to carry it at a given speed goes up in cost, or
>that the armor gets lighter and thus stronger without a decrease in
>speed, but is pricier armor, the equation that counts in the end is
>that X armor at Y speed should cost Z points.
But your weight should have gone up with the increased armor and
engine. If I put a bigger engine in the thing, that should go up too
should it not?
>>A Merkava is armored more than an Abrams or a Leopard. It is slower.
>>It has a different emphasis. I'm not looking at Marks or Dollers
>>here, just vehicle stats.
>I don't recall mentioning scrip either. Just game effect and
>relative point cost.
Dollars/Shekels/Marks = pts cost does it not?
>And my point was, if you make the point system accurate, which was
>the original proposal, you don't need capacity to do it - just the
>right point formula (AKA "Holy Grail").
But you're still tied to all tracked vehicles go slow or fast. Its
lacking a certain fuzzy nature. Heavier armored vehicles should be
slower that lighter armored vehicles unless you put a bigger engine
in it. I'm looking for the _er_ part here.
- Ryan Montieth Gill '01 Honda Insight -
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