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Re: [SG/DS] Battalion structure was Re: SG - hover APCs

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 17:36:06 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG/DS] Battalion structure was Re: SG - hover APCs

--- Roger Books <> wrote:
> How many mortars would you recommend?  I'm assuming
> 1 mortar team
> replaces an infantry fireteam?  

I'd have a seperate mortar section in each company
(possibly as part of the weapons platoon), at least
for light infantry.  I use 2 mortars, which is in
accord with US practice.  The mech units don't get
them because mech companies use BN mortars and the BN
gets an artillery battery chopped down from DIVARTY. 
Batallion level always gets 6 mortars in my units. 

All MTOE questions are hard to answer if I don't know
what your unit plans to fight and what supporting
assets will be available.

As far as anti-tank,
> would the
> GMS/Ls each platoon has be insufficient?

That really does depend.  If you're fighting tanks,
you really need GMS/Hs in an AT company at the
batallion level, unless your troops are in IFVs with
GMS/Hs.  If you're going against poorly-armed militia,
you may find lugging the GMS/Ls (I generally go for 2
per platoon) is too much touble although they are nice
for popping bunkers (as the Brits found in the


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