RAH's 'Friday' & GZG(was Re:Beanstalk...)
From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 21:24:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RAH's 'Friday' & GZG(was Re:Beanstalk...)
On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Laserlight wrote:
> well...there's the assault on the farm house. Nothing else that would
> do for SG that I recall although you could put a merc company on a
> riverboat and see wo's bright enough to wear a life jacket.
True enough, but lots of flavour there, and easy inspiration for lots of
small actions, border wars, and other fun. Canada vs the Chicago
or Vegas Free State-registered mercs vs anyone!
In terms of background, 'Friday' is probably the most original book
Heinlein ever wrote. Too bad he couldn't get anyone but his 'stock'
characters to people it with... I've always thought it would make an
awesome cyberpunk/near-future RPG setting.
Brian - yh728@victoria.tc.ca -