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Re: [OT] style sheets

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 20:40:40 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OT] style sheets

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Germ wrote:

> > The problem is irregular HTML - the 1997 era stuff: all font 
> > tags, nested tables and spacer GIFs. Yuck.
> > Steve
> Thanks Steve you've just described my website :)

I think I avoid some of these 'sins', at least.

No spacer gifs; all my formatting is done by tables, but that only
there ISN'T another way to do it in HTML. I try and avoid nested
tables, they just get ugly in short order.

And I still use FONT tags because, first they work, and second I haven't
taught myself CSS yet...

OTOH, my HTML is entirely hand-coded and I'm pretty careful. The only
reason my pages aren't W3C HTML3.2/4 certifiable is because of the
really terrible coding the various free suppliers use in their ad
banners! (Last time I tried to W3C cert my pages w/ their online
EVERY ERROR that I got back was in one part or another of Freeserver's
code, not mine...)

Brian - -

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