Re: Scouts.....
From: "John Crimmins" <johncrim@v...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 18:46:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Scouts.....
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:31:58 -0800, "Brian Bilderback"
<> wrote :
> John Atkinson wrote:
> >
> > > Next thing you do is to leave the attackers a choice
> > > of routes to travel. BUT
> > > their maps are not completely accurate, and they
> >
> >Why not? US forces now frequently use satellite
> >imagery with a UTM gridline superimposed. Accuracy is
> >pretty much a given with modern mapping methods and/or
> >even a handful of recon satellites.
> I think the idea is to make the scenario more interesting. You can
> find some excuse for making things more muddled than they'd really
Isn't there a book by Stirling? Drake, maybe? which hi-tech
insurgents kick off the fun by knocking out the government's recon
satellites? _Go Tell
the Spartans_, I think.
For more fun, electronic warfare: the enemy has hacked into the system
and is scrambling your satellite view. You're seeing things as they
yesterday, or seeing an entirely different area altogether.
Knocking them out entirely is more efficient...but less entertaining.
John Crimmins