Re: [DSII] What Size Forces Do I Need?
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 12:19:21 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DSII] What Size Forces Do I Need?
--- Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> (Renegade Legion gave vehicles, a number of air
> support and tracked ground
> vehicles from GZG/Geo-Hex).
I like Renegade Legion stuff, actually.
> What size force/force organization makes a good
> start for DSII?
Well, if you use high-tech stuff and good troops, you
can do with a reinforced company (~20 vehicles).
Using crap troops, you need at least a full batallion.
> What size force, or what recommended organization,
> makes a good "normal" game
> of DSII?
Uhh. . . 5k-7.5k points. As for organization, that
depends on doctrine and equipment availible.
> What is the maximum size force and its composition
> for a large (say 6 hour or
> more) scenario?
Batallion-sized. I'd have to know more to be more
specific. Hell, give me an idea of what you've got
and the background you're using and I can write a
whole corps-level MTOE to pick and choose from.
As for the question re: infantry, I'd recommend at
least a company's worth. You don't have to use it all
in any given fight, but it makes the enemy plan for it
(just like real life).
And don't neglect artillery support, preferably at
least 6-8 guns worth.
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