Re: Sheep Puns
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 20:56:29 +1100
Subject: Re: Sheep Puns
From: "Charles Taylor" <>
> Well, if by RPGing you mean "blowing up with a rocket-propelled
> grenade", then there is such a scene in the Australian
...actually NZ, but close enough from a European perspective...
> low-budget) SF/Horror/Comedy? film "Bad Taste"
> ... and yes, it is :-)
> (the sheep exploding scene is quite tasteful, relatively :-)
I'm afraid to say he's right.
The bit where IIRC Derek (the guy who keeps on having to push bits of
brain matter into the hole in his skull after a nasty fall) while
a Chainsaw falls on an Alien's head and ends up after a longggg time