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Re: [FT] Updated MT Missiles question

From: "Eric Foley" <stiltman@t...>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 01:43:53 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Updated MT Missiles question

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FT] Updated MT Missiles question

> From: "Charles Taylor" <>

> > Secondly, could you clarify: the description of the Misericorde
> > seems to imply that the missiles need to burn a point of endurance
> > actually attack a target (any target) - is this true?

> Not quite: They must expend a point of endurance to move when
> You basically put them up to 18" away from the launcher, just as you
> put SMs up to 24" away. This expends an endurance, and they only have
> so can't make a secondary move. After ships have moved, It will then,
> like an SM, home in on the closest thing within 6" (3" if vector).

Is this intentionally different from the original MT definition? 
under the original rules for missiles in More Thrust, the original MT
missiles are _not_ required to home in on the nearest ship -- they may
target anything they wish within their attack range.  MT missiles, under
that definition, thus have an advantage over SM's to offset the fact
they are far less effective at swamping enemy point defenses.


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