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RE: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....Question

From: katie@f...
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:40:29 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: RE: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....Question

Quoting "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <>:

> With the Tuffleyverse "fusion in a jeep" (TM) powerplants, I would
> think
> that the DS2 nukes are extreemly small fusion bombs.
> Depending on the fusion process, there may be little radiation beyond
> the
> background. Instead of fusing pounds or ounces of material, it may
> be a
> few atoms (hydrogen to helium?). Most of the damage may be from 'waste
> heat'
> (i.e. a larger, shell version of the DFFG reaction).

Surely you'd still end up with a lot of irradiated casing parts that
then get 
scattered about?

Fusion process still produces a lot of spare neutrons - enough that the
bombs use a fission core to start fusion to produce enough neutrons to
fission happening in an otherwise non-fissibleable uranium jacket,
referred to 
as fission-fusion-fission bombs.

If you don't have a fusion tamper, those fusion-resultant neutrons would
the casing to become moderately radioactive. Just before it gets

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