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Re: Pulsar Nav accuracy

From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet72@y...>
Date: 27 Feb 2002 11:53:29 -0500
Subject: Re: Pulsar Nav accuracy

I believe you're missing the point, or I'm missing something.

With one known point (a pulsar for this discussion), you get a sphere of
where you _could_ be.

With only two pulsars, you get one circle of where you could be.

With three, then you get a point where you could be.

If I'm WAY off in bothering to respond as I have to this, then excuse
me, I don't recall the context of points 1-4 of the message you're
responding to point 5 of.

--Flak Magnet
	Shooting his mouth off because it's loaded, and he has lots of

On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 11:41, John Leary wrote:
> --- Roger Books <> wrote:
> > 5.	Intersect the three circles.  I now know where I
> >	am.
> -----
> Sounds just fine to me!
> > 6.	For safety make it 6 pulsars and find the
> > intersection.
> ------
> Even Better!
> > Is this wrong?
> ------
> Cannot possibly be wrong, we agree.
> By for now,
> John L.
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--Flak Magnet
Hive Fleet Jaegernaught

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