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Re: Fusion energy was: SNOW JOB

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 14:15:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Fusion energy was: SNOW JOB

On  6-Feb-02 at 14:04, Brian Bilderback ( wrote:
> Either way, it still means my point was valid, that a smart high-tech
>  will take along hydrogen conversion equipment or have a built-in
> conversion  capacity to prevent a loss of fuel supply.

It depends, if you can use the common isotope of hydrogen then your
equipment is a couple of electrodes and some kind of compressor
to capture and compress the hydrogen.  You could get that anywhere
that had a tech high enough for gasoline engines.

OTH if you only fuse the deuterium isotope seperating it could be
a bit more difficult.  AFAIK all current research on fusion is
using deuterium.  Anyone know how you seperate deuterium from
normal hydrogen?

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