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From: DAWGFACE47@w...
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 22:20:40 -0600 (CST)

any military force, confronted with such a situation, that is unable to
retreat, would be justifiiable in  using lethat force to protect the
lives of the  soldiers under attack.

any police force, with officers  under attack in such a situation and
with no retreat possible  would also be legal using lethal force.

your right to survival supercedes their right to survival if they are
attacking you or threatening your life.

and they most assuredly would be.

i would rather put my fate into the hand  of a military court for
shooting in defense of self and mates, then let these idiots get close
enough to hurt me/mine.

ditto for a jury trial.

combat is not a normal environment, and sometimes actions are  required
that might cause  night horrors  for years  afterwards.

war is horrible, abnormal.  

there is no good  war, but there is bad war. what you describe is bad

 also, even with the use of non-lethals, this situation would result in
the deaths and injuries to many in the first and second ranks  due to
trampling, suffacation, drowning,  being shot by accident by mates
weapons, blown up by  armed, dropped hand grenades, etc.

and then there would the killed /wounded inflicted on the  first 2
groups by the armed, attackers who fight inspite of threats to their
own forces.

this scenario is the wet dream of the anti-miliary folks,  rabid
paficists, politicians	with their own caring aggendas, and CNN.

my thoughts. i am sure that others ave their own thoughts as well

as an after thought, i suggest those  hopped up gunmen and any other
idiots that rush  attack task force  ranger in somalia	probably cause
the deaths of thousands of bystanders as well as combatants.

this  is the closest i know  of to your scenario.

maybe the anticipated fanatical japanese  defense of the home  islands
by both military and  civilians.

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