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Re: C.J. Cherryh

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 22:29:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: C.J. Cherryh

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, John Atkinson wrote: 
> --- Roger Books <> wrote:
> > As a counterpoint.	I enjoyed the Chanur books but
> > have not liked 
> > most other novels by Cherryh.  Her stuff is mostly
> > political with
> > very little action.  I don't find these type stories
> > very exciting.
> Cherryh spends most of her time on characterization,
> political plots, and the sociology of the societies
> she creates.

She also writes very *dense* books - I'm only about 150pgs or 1/3rd of
way thru 'Downbelow Station' and already I feel more has happened than
most authors can fit into entire 400pg novels... It doesn't feel like
reading, but given that I can usually rip thru a regular SF novel in two
evenings, it actually is slow going.

Very well done, though. The best societies - human & especially alien -
that I think I've ever read.

She certainly doesn't try and write action-SF in the Drake/etc mold. 

Brian - -

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