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Re: [semi-OT] black hawk down?

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 12:54:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [semi-OT] black hawk down?

On 25-Jan-02 at 21:14, Laserlight ( wrote:
> JohnA said:
> > Water is a no-brainer.  Sorry, but.  That's flamingly
> > stupid.  Your damn body armor is also a no-brainer.
> > If you are in the kind of shape that Rangers allegedly
> > are, that shouldn't have too much problem, especially
> > considering there's no foot marching in this mission.
> I'd have to say that even I--a civilian whose most energetic exercise
> is rolling dice--thought "No water?  No armor?  Duh!"  Okay, it's a
> short quick in-and-out there's no reason *not* to carry a few
> more pounds that you might really, really want if Murphy shows up.

My S.O., who backpacks with me occasionally, told me not taking water
was crazy on leaving the theatre.  I do kind of wonder if in real life t
hey just didn't take less then SOP would dictate and they reduced that 
to none so us non-army types would understand.

I have trouble recommending this movie.  It was a good movie but it
is difficult watching "the good guys" get chopped up.  It does 
anger you, you should either send troops in with a proper force
or not send them in at all.  Screw the politics.

The sad thing is if proper armour support had been there not only
would fewer US soldiers have died but far fewer of the 1,000 somolies
would have died also.

One thing,  am I pretty safe in assuming it is difficult to hurt
an APC with an RPG?

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