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Re: [SG] comparing SG

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 23:43:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG] comparing SG

Seeing as how this apparently disappeared into the aether the first time
around, I figured I'd send it again...not that the question hasn't
been answered.

At 08:15 PM 1/19/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I've seen (somewhere) a page of reviews of SG. many of which compare
>it to Warhamster.  Anyone know what URL that is?  Any listers want to
>give me a brief...I said *brief* of SG as compared to the
>other product?

Briefly?  SGII has a reasonably realistic feel, while Warhammer is more
cinematic.  Lots of close combat, bigger-than-life heroes, and Things
Blowing Up Real Good.  The actual rules are something of an impediment
that style of play, though -- 40K is filled with special rules and
bits unique to the various races.  For those who haven't memorized the
various army books, play can be rather slow.

SGII generally sees turns advance more quickly, but less happens in
Units get pinned down by fire, so they don't advance as quickly.  Fire
isn't as devistating, either -- you generally can't wipe out an entire
with a single turn of fire.  As a result of this, SGII often *seems* to
move more slowly than least, this is a common complaint.

In terms of actual rules, I prefer SGII.  40K requires too many die
and it has that annoying "You Move/I Move" turn sequence, instead of
alternating activating individual units like SGII does.  Plus, there's
those aforementioned fiddly bits....

I do, however, prefer the cinematic style of play over the realistic one
I use Shock Force for this very reason.  Very quick, very simple, and
for newcomers to pick it up after a single turn.  I still use SGII when
want a, "grittier" feel.	I don't even own 40K at this

(I do like bits of the 40K background -- especially since they've moved
away from the idea that the Imperium is neccessarily the good guys.  The
Dune influence isn't as strong as it was in the Rogue Trader days, but
still there.  I do feel that it would make an excellent RPG in the right

John Crimmins

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