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[FT] Weasel Boats ?

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 17:02:28 +0100 (MET)
Subject: [FT] Weasel Boats ?

Hello everybody

The basic Full Thrust rules on p.22 have a 'Weasel' decoy system that 
allows a small vessel to simulate the sensor signature of a large one. 

It is costed at 1 Mass, and at 20 points for a system imitating a 
cruiser, 40 points to imitate capital ships. 

Are those still the official values ? Or have they been superseded in 
one of the later books ? I didn't find anything about it in a quick 
scan of the later books. 

I wanted to add them to my "Orion" webpage, as the "Lancet" shuttles 
are equipped with a similar system. To cost it, I would like to use the 
official numbers. 

Karl Heinz

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