Re: [OT] Webrings
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 19:37:53 +0000
Subject: Re: [OT] Webrings
On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 08:36:45PM -0500, Thomas Barclay wrote:
>I'd rather figure out what CGI or Perl is required
>to power a webring and will
>eventually host its own webring, with no
>corporate influence - no adware and no
>collection of information. I happen to be very
>much against this kind of corporate big-brother
>thing and will (one day.... don't hold your
>breath) offer an alternative.
I have the skills to set up something like this, just no time right now.
How much interest would there be? (List members might want to contact me
privately rather than clogging up the list.) I'm not after money, I'd
just like to know that the code would actually be used.
>It also occurs to me that one day I wish to be
>able to offer an alternative host for GZG-L, just
>because I don't want to have our server go
>down or be closed and have the whole
>community out in the cold and lost, separate,
>and disappointed. It is never wise to have a
>single point of failure.
Like the other Roger, I'm already running an active mailing list server,
and can start to host a list given about five minutes' warning and a
list of subscribers. I'm a significant unfan of yahoogroups and its ilk,
in large part because of times when I've subscribed to a
supposedly-private yahoo email list with a new address, not posted, but
started to get spam to that address within a few days.
That said, I'm not aware of any problems with having the list on, and I don't object to it the way I do to the current
webring system.
Other Roger