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Re: [FYI] World's Longest page on tracks vs wheels

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 14:42:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FYI] World's Longest page on tracks vs wheels

--- Richard and Emily Bell <>

> > That's generally a given in real combat.
> >
> It wasn't true in Viet Nam, 

If we plan to fight as we did in VN, we plan for

> was occassionally false in Operation Desert
> Storm, 


> and won't be true if there isn't absolute
> confidence in the IFF.

The USAF has a record of making BVR kills even if told
that the target is friendly.

> the time.  For nations with a second rate (instead
> of third rate)
> airforce, an AWAC is not that hard for the
> determined enemy to kill (if
> it cannot radiate, it may as well be dead), so there
> may not always be
> someone who knows where all of the good guys are.

Who has even a second rate air force that the US is
likely to go to war with in the next 15 years?
> It is only a given in naval combat over the high
> seas, as, in some spots
> unpopulated by civil skyways, all inbounds are
> hostile.

If it's a warzone, then there is no civil aviation. 
If there is, then someone pretty much comitted


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