From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@f...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 23:50:29 -0500
Subject: potpourri
1) Debacle: see Dieppe. see Stalingrad. see
most of WW1.
2) John the Inflammatory (in a comment which
was unlikely to provoke the usual excitement)
said "I'd mount them all in Wiesels." Sorry, but I
immediately thought of "a plan so fiendishly
cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a....
3) Regarding shipping things around in the
GZGverse. Take a look at the real world people.
Real economies are huge. Look at the relative
total tonnage of merchant shipping to military
today. Then look at the size of the GZGverse
fleets (a la Indy, but its a good estimate)...
many many many (care to throw out some
mass totals Indy?) mass worth of ships. Figure
civilian shipping will be many times this rated
value. It must in order to keep the economy
functioning. Ergo shipping large heavy weight
items between known endpoints isn't going to
be terribly expensive.... if it was, not so much
would have happened and been built in 180
I agree military force sizes will be moderate for
mobile forces, but this stems more from
procurement costs and ongoing personel and
upkeep costs than from shipping related issues.
[1] John, if you don't know the reference,
you're going to buy _ME_ a beverage of my
choice at our first meeting. :)
Thomas Barclay
Instructor, CST 6304 (TCP/IP programming for the Internet)