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RE: Back on subject - Mercs

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:52:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: Back on subject - Mercs

--- "Robertson, Brendan" 

> Scalliwag's Mercenary Company
> Sky Marshall E. A. Scalliwag commanding.

He's going to raise some eyebrows calling himself a
Sky Marshall with a batallion task force and a single
squadron under his command.

> Excaliber BDN "Colliwobbles"

Where did he get it?  A capital ship is, I understood
it, a fairly major investment for a nation, never mind
a tiny merc unit.

> 4 ZAD (size 4 GEV, Superior ZAD)
> 12 MBT (size 3 GEV, twin turret class 3 railguns)
> 12 heavy artillery vehicles (size 4 GEV, HAR, basic
> PDS)
> 21 scout cars (size 1 GEV, GMS/L)
> 18 APCs (size 2 GEV, Twin turret APSW, 8 troop
> spaces)
> 178 vehicle crewmen
> 144 infantry (d8 armour, advanced rifle w/- GL
> (FP:3, I:d10)

Plus about 500 or so support weenies.  With a bunch of
trucks, recovery vehicles, FDC vehicles, command 
vehicles, etc.	Which might make for a hard time
fitting into 4 transports.  

I'd also suggest guns vice HAR for more flexibility
and faster response time.  I also heartily detest twin
weapons mounts (other than APSW, of course) and would
upgrade to a single size 4 rail gun instead of 2x3.  

Weaknesses of this org:  No obstacle clearance
capability, no capability to emplace obstacles.  No
mortars--if you need a quick smoke screen you have to
launch a huge HAR to get it, which ain't economical. 
No dismounted scouts.  No mention of support weapons
for infantry (SAW, GMS/L).


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