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RE: Merc Guild - Not Really

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 17:34:36 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: Merc Guild - Not Really

--- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:

> Turkey, like most modern states, does have skeletons
> in it's closet.  But it 
> can be hoped that thingsa are changing.

Which is a somewhat different song than the pygeric to
Attaturk that was being sung. . . 

> suffers.  But how ardently 
> do we cling to judgement based on the past, and how
> much credit do we give 
> for improvements made in the present/future?	If we
> judge everyone on the 
> past, we can justify punishing any group that has in
> thew past been the 
> oppressor, and we become just as oppressive
> ourselves.

Here's one key determinant for me.

The Germans were genocidal lunatics under Hitler. 
However, the German people admitted and still admit
that the atrocities occoured, and that the atrocities
were wrong.  Hitler is looked at as an evil madman by
the vast majority of Germans.

The Turks were genocidal lunatics under Attaturk. 
They refuse to admit that they committed atrocities,
or justify it with racist accusations against the
Armenians and Greeks.  Attaturk is venerated as a

Now, which nation has changed its spots and is
unlikely to engage in such behavior in the future?


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