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Re: [OT] [Completely, absolutely without redeeming social value] Inflammatory?

From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet72@y...>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 12:52:46 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] [Completely, absolutely without redeeming social value] Inflammatory?

Regardless, I ask that this discussion be stopped or moved to a
different forum as it is OT as well as particularly likely to be a
flame-fest, NOT a good combination.

Best regards,
 Hive Fleet Jaegernaught

Saturday, December 15, 2001, 10:50:42 AM, John wrote:

JA> --- Tony Christney <> wrote:
>> Please, this is an obvious troll. A very
>> inflammatory position
>> with no backing evidence. Can we try to be a bit
>> more rational
>> here?

JA> An inflammatory position (what, that Jews don't
JA> deserve to be rendered down into air pollution?) with
JA> no backing evidence (I guess all those UN General
JA> Assembly resolutions are just imaginary?)!	

JA> The fact that the UN General Assembly has been
JA> uniformly anti-Semetic since it's creation is neither
JA> inflammatory nor without evidence.	A suggestion that
JA> you are a drooling idiot with bad table manners would
JA> be inflammatory and without evidence (since I've never
JA> met you, I have no data one way or the other on your
JA> table manners nor propensity to drool).  See the
JA> difference?  One is an assertation that can be
JA> verified by a half-second of research on the subject. 
JA> The other I have no basis for.  One suggests that
JA> perhaps genocide is unwarranted, the other is
JA> personally insulting to both you and your parents
JA> (implying they didn't raise you right).  Are we clear
JA> now?

JA> John

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