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Re: Framework of nations

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 06:31:30 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Framework of nations

--- Richard and Emily Bell <>

> If the number of votes in the UN is determined by
> the amount of funding that nations contribute, the
> US would be demoted to observer status (but the US's
> permanenent seat on the Security Council prevents
> any disciplinary measures being taken against them
> for failing to pay their
> dues).

I guess running the logistical support structures for
every single peacekeeping mission doesn't count for
much, does it?

Oh, yeah.  And running _all_ of the enforcement
missions (Korea, Iraq, Balkans) that the UN mandates
but that the rest of the world combined doesn't have
the balls or firepower to execute.

The way the dues are split out is fundamentally unfair
if you take into account the nations that do nothing
but provide third-rate militia to the occasional
peacekeeping mission. (Bangladesh et al).  


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