Re: [FT] Needle fleet now Cthulhu :)
From: johncrim@v...
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 16:55:50 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Needle fleet now Cthulhu :)
> >Cthulhu in the Tuffley verse! And I thought my huge scratch built
> >Berserker Warmachine was pushing the envelope a bit much...oh
> >well each to his own. I got the idea for this monster from the Old
> >Space Marine Game (for plans) and of course all the Fred
> >Saberhagen books that I've read and reread . On second thought
> >perhaps Cthulhu Vs Berserker would be a pretty even fight.
> >The trick would be to some how lead one or the other to the same
> >area and then run like hell out of it....Oh no another sick campaign!
I don’t think that Berserkers are pushing it at all, frankly. They have
a distinguished
place in SF, after all -- Babylon 5 used a “berserker” in one episode,
in fact, and
actually called it such.
Besides, in gaming Berserkers play a vital role: the big, bad machine
that a bunch of
inexperienced players can pound upon while learning the rules. Isn’t
there an SFB
scenario with some kind of berserker-like alien machine?
Plus, they make a good excuse for some extensive scratchbuilding that
cleans all of those
miscellaneous scraps of plastic out of your Bits Box.
John Crimmins
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