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Re: Armalligator was: Email

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 11:29:25 -0800
Subject: Re: Armalligator was: Email Wrote:

>Not a bad idea in general, Some details:
>It is not obvious from the sketch whether the Oitjuan have any "hands"
>(manipulative organs). Any organism that develops technology must be
>manipulate things with a fair degree of dexterity. No sensory equipment
>mouth is visible.

The sketches were partial, not complete.  Rest assured they would have 
"hands" and "Mouths/eyes" etc.

> > >2) the digestive process efficiently and effortlessly removes the
> > >portions of metallic diet, then spits back out the "waste"
> > >excrement=pure, refined iron and steel ; respiratory waste=oxygen).
>??? This will need more explaining. Which metals of the diet are used ?
>is iron not a useful item ? why is Oxygen a waste product ? Extra
>might be gained by combining iron and Oxygen to form rust. Steel is not
>"pure" product. Why should waste products be "pure, refined" ? Note
that on
>Earth animal waste products are hardly "pure, refined".

I've already brought this point up with him, and he had already agreed
this was one point that needed to be changed.

> > >
> > >3)slow thinkers:
> > >  combination of metallic biochemistry and high body temperature
> > >that their neurons could not be as densely packed together as ours.
>Electronic (metal/semimetal based) switches are much faster and smaller

>Neurons. Any electric switching would need insulation elements. High
>temperature may indeed need sturdier channels. However, "Slow thinking"
>not an obvious result of the combination.

The speed of the individual neurons would be faster, yes, so they would
quicker reactions.  But the lower density of the neurons would mean
thinking would be a little more linear than ours, and thus slower.

Brian B2

"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."

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