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Re: Nobility.... or not....

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 02:47:22 -0600
Subject: Re: Nobility.... or not....

To the disagreeers: 
Like it or not, whats in the books is official -- No matter how
My liking it or not won't change that.	(lets see, pull out my time

Jon goes right out and invites players to "make their own".  He even
something about the "official" history only being there to get the game
(And to make/sell many interesting sets of
I agree.  FT/ect. makes much better games with some kind of setting. 

I agree the system is fine the way it is. And if you don't like
something you can add 
to or change it. The background is a good basis for a well rounded game.
I am
also profoundly grateful that Jon isn't French, the amalgam of the UK,
USA and Canada
is at least plausible.......But with the FSE, there are some things we
yanks just can't take! ;-)


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