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Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2001 14:40:33 -0800
Subject: Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

John Atkinson wrote:
> > Don't knock it.
>I just have a hard time imagining Turks running any
>part of the universe well.  I've been to a part of the
>world that lived under Turkish rule for 500+ years and
>was NOT impressed.

Correction.  They lived under Ottoman rule.  That's exactly why Attaturk
his group rebelled against the Sultan.	While Turkey's no Germany or
it's a lot better off than many parts of the world.  Besides, given some
the story lines in this 'verse, it's not too much of a stretch to have 
Turkiye cointinuing to improve.

> > Actually, in the Modern Turkish state, Jews don't
> > have it so bad.  My > Father-in-Law taught at one of
>the most prestigious,> expensive schools in
> > Turkey, and had several Jewish students.
>Each to his own--my alternate history includes Turkey
>purging the last non-Turkish elements by 2044.

I'm trying to stick at least partially to reality in my extrapolation. 
assuming that Turkey maintains it's secular attitude, and freedom
improves there.  Although I've still to deal with the Kurdish question.

> > I didn't experct them to.
>On the other hand, my alternate FSE has pretty much
>deported/permitted emmigration for all the Greeks and
>has transported French colonists to Greece.

I just won't even touch that.

> > >And in fact the Byzantines in Space will probably
> > >throw nukes in your general direction under general
> > >principles.
> >
> > Which gives me more incentive to run the Turks.
>Well, on the plus side it would give me an excuse to
>make alliances of convenience with the IFed.

Why thank you, how considerate to consolidate all my enemies for me.  It

would be interesting - A secular Turkish State, a Byzantine Theocracy,
an Islamic Theocracy.  Makes for an interesting 3-way standoff, no?

Brian B2

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